Demonic Activity Rising Worldwide: Spiritual Warfare is Here – Are You Ready? Put on the FULL Armor of God

"Do Demons Exist? Watch A Demon-Possessed Model Manifest A Spirit During A Live Television Interview", End of the American Dream – 7/11/2016

"Black Lives Matter: A Movement Built on Lies", Frontpage – 7/12/2016

"Protests Heating Up: Chicago Streets Shutdown, Atlanta Mayor Discusses Curfew and Calling in National Guard", Off Grid Survival – 7/11/2016

"37 Separate Acts of Potential Terrorism Are Planned for This Friday", The Common Sense Show – 7/12/2016

"At least 1,200 women assaulted at German New Year’s Eve celebrations: leaked documents", Global News – 7/11/2016

"Day of Rage Protests Are Scheduled for July 15th in These American Cities", Freedom Outpost – 7/12/2016

Bible Prophecy Commentary: Wickedness, Darkness, Violence and Rage Increase –

Friends, these are just a few articles I've found today. Things like this have been increasing for some time now but these days they are getting worse. Just look at the violence that this BLM group brings with them. They promote it and condone the hate and rage that is their objective. Just look at the chaos, violence and mayhem the Islamic invaders are bringing to Europe. Just look around you especially in the big cities. People are fighting, dying, arguing, protesting with violence and rage. Why? A tremendous spiritual darkness is gripping this land and the rest of the world. Nations are running out of money, some have resorted to eating their animals, some now have gangs that search for food and then take it by force. Wars and rumors of wars are spreading like wildfire. What in the world is happening on this planet? Peace is getting harder to find while unrest is coming on strong.

In Daniel 10, we read how two angels were sent from od to bring the answer to his prayer. The first angel was detained by the Prince of Persia which was an evil demonic force trying to stop the angel from getting through. Michael the Archangel came and busted through and got the angel to Daniel. Then the angel was to return this time to fight the Prince of Greece. Folks, nations, cities, lands and people are controlled by the darkness that rules this world and the Prince of Darkness is the lead man.

Take a look at Michael Synder's article above from End of the American Dream and watch the video/s. This is happening now and it is real. It will increase as Almighty God is rejected and forgotten more and more.


Our warfare is not against flesh but spiritual powers forces in high places. Wake up! Demonic strongholds are being setup in our nations, cities and towns and they are manned by the forces of hell – princes of darkness. They have had thousands of years to perfect their trade – deceit, deception, lies, violence, rage, hate. So we all need to know and be prepared to combat evil through much prayer and fasting. It's coming on strong.

The BLM (Black Lives Matter) activists are led by demons! Killers are demon possessed, Jihadist's are beasts from Hell, druggies are led by demonic forces, wicked leaders the same, and the list goes on and on. This will not get better for we have told God to leave our presence; to get out for most don't want to talk or hear about Him anymore. 

Our Christian churches who should be leading us in the recognition and education of this unseen battleground, are not! They are spiritually lazy! They are as ineffective and warriors without swords. They have no backbone and are out only to teach the easy stuff and as such put their flocks to sleep. How pathetic.

Pastors and leaders – pick up the Sword of the Spirit, don the Armor of God and get your people ready for the spiritual onslaught here and coming. Teach about spiritual warfare at your Sunday services, teach the people about demonic forces  –  what they are and how to fight them –  Eph 6:12. Quit being afraid of even saying these type of things; we have the power of the Living God with us and can in His name, defeat them!

As Christians, I urge you to get a grip of what's going down in the spiritual world. Get your attention off your pleasures and start praying – for your family and friends. Pray for salvation, pray for those that need to know Christ. Read your Bible and know the authority we have in Christ against the Enemy of our souls – Luke 10:19. Know where you stand in the Lord and call upon Him for strength.

Be strong in the Lord … now!


Fear God and depart from Evil!

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -Eph 6:12 (KJV)

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4- for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5- We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ," -2 Cor 10:3-5 (NASB)


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

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