Almighty God: Divide My Land, Burden Jerusalem and I will Cut You Into Pieces!

Editor's Note: We should be very careful about coming against Israel/Jerusalem. God is not kidding about what He has said in His word – Zech 12:1-6; Joel 3:2

The following article was originally published by Michael Snyder at End of the America Dream. His articles are spot on and his relentless research gives us a glimpse of what clearly may happen in the days ahead. I challenge you to read his article below carefully and then consider exactly what he is saying. Then turn to your Bible and consider how Bible Prophecy is a warning to the clear and present danger America and the rest of the world is facing right now. The days ahead will present many problems and heartaches for the people of earth; if you have not prepared in your heart, mind and soul in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then in your troubles you may not find any comfort. (Used by permission)

Obama Administration: A UN Resolution That Would Divide Israel And Jerusalem Is Back In Play

By Michael Snyder, on March 8th, 2016

According to the Wall Street Journal, the White House is considering drastic measures to reboot the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.  Among those measures is a UN Security Council resolution that would set the parameters for a two state solution and that would recognize East Jerusalem as the official capital of a Palestinian state.  If Barack Obama makes this move, it will almost certainly be before the election in November.  I had previously reported that France was ready to introduce a similar UN Security Council resolution back in September, but at that time the French backed off because they did not have full support from the Obama administration.  But now that Obama is approaching the end of his term, he suddenly seems more willing to make a bold move.

Remember, this is not just some Internet rumor.  This comes directly from an article that was just published in the Wall Street Journal that claims to have top White House officials as the source of this information.  According to those anonymous officials, the Obama administration is now ready to potentially move forward with the kind of UN Security Council resolution that I mentioned above…

The strongest element on the list of options under consideration would be U.S. support for a Security Council resolution calling on both sides to compromise on key issues, something Israel had opposed and Washington has repeatedly vetoed in the past.

The article goes on to say that the parameters of an agreement for a two state solution would be based on the 1949 armistice line but would allow for land swaps so that many Jewish settlements that have been built since 1967 would not be swallowed up by the new Palestinian state.

The Palestinians would be required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and East Jerusalem would receive full UN Security Council recognition as the capital of a new Palestinian state.  This is something that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that he would never agree to. [Read more …]

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Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

Coram Deo –

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman




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